About Me

im a dreamer all the way....always pursuing my heart over my head ( have to stop doing that one of these days)....in short im an endless ocean of thoughts.....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

phobias galore...........

Today while surfing the net for something worthwhile to interest my idle mind...came across this link on various types of phobias the homo sapiens suffer from....apparently people tend to get scared of really "bizarre" things...as i would think of it....im goin to plagiarise this bit...

"There are by official estimate thousands of them on the scene today--specific phobias such as the fear of nude men and women, ugly people, beautiful people, long hair, short hair, good deeds, bad deeds, and life after death. The little fears range from the fear of oneself (monophobia) to the fear of everyone else (anthrophobia), and psychiatrists say they've already scientifically labeled over 700 of the redoubtable dreads--although they've just started counting.
We have plenty of vestiophobes, people with an aversion to wearing clothing, around today, and there are even a few nonstreakers left who suffer from the fear of not wearing clothes. Among sexual phobias, or hang-ups, we can report gynephobia, the fear of women, its companion androphobia, the fear of men, as well as pornophobia, the fear of prostitutes, and gamophobia, the fear of marriage. Then, too, almost everyone has some form of zoophobia, the fear of other animals, ranging from the fear of dogs to the fear of cats and rats. But there are also botanophobes, who dislike plants, and even anthophobes, who fear just flowers. Acrophobia, the fear of heights, is also high on the list, as is claustrophobia--the dread of closed or of narrow places. The fear of thunder has 4 names, astraphobia, keraunophobia, ceraunophobia and tonitrophobia. The number of names for this very reasonable fear of sudden disastrous explosions is almost matched in our time by the number of names for the fear of being alone--autophobia, eremophobia, and monophobia."

hmmmm a lot isn't it....never really thought people could be scared of other people..when i started thinking what im scared of ...i could actually think of a few different things which i fear...i have these recurrent dreams about falling through free space and suddenly banging against something and its pretty frequent i must say...the dream ( more like a nightmare) ends in me jerking out of sleep drenched in sweat...i am always scared of missing steps when i am hurrying down or up a flight of stairs..which i tend to do pretty often ( im a super lazy and tend to rush when ever i have to leave coz im invariably running a bit late).....
I have always had this phobia about people unseen to me, watching my every move...when i was in year 12, this was back in kolkata...my granma ...who i always shared our room with ( was gone-visiting my uncle) i had changed my cycle to sleeping late into the day and staying up studying late at night...i function better that way...neway...i always used to leave my windows open and draw the curtains aside...there was this massive mango tree swaying in the pleasant summer breeze...i coudnt help imagiining something ( rather someone) was sitting there welel concealed and watching every move i made....it made me feel like every move i make is under surveillance...used to freak me out to such an extent that i ended up closing all windows and doors and doin my work...all sweaty and hot...
recently...in my room couple of weeks earlier...i coudnt sleep all night coz i kept seeing faces or patterns of twisted faces in the massive swaying tree which looked notoriously black a fair distance from my window....

Im scared of the dark....never feel so insecure as i do if im plunged into utter darkness...its like i get claustrophobic and desperately look for a way to escape this cool silence of the darkness around me.....

Once about two years ago my cousins and I tried doing a "seance" aka "planchette" and although we were convinsed that it woudnt really work two among the three of us felt something change around us when we were trying to focus on the job at hand....that was quiet a lesson...have made a promise to myself never to fool around with these kindof paranormal forces ( it they really do exist) i woudnt be too keen on on them following me around...

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ardent poignant soul....

lost in nostalgia...