its kindof really really not sleepy decided to waste some time blogging randomly...
im listing as many things about me as i can remember rite now...
1)Im a capricornian...typical one pretty much....
2)im a dreamer...big dreamer...someone very close to me once said...dream deep coz every dream precedes a goal
3)My favourite colour is ReD (currently im obsessed with red ....i really mean obsessed when i use the word...)but otherwise i like black heaps...
4)i love beaches...the water...sea kindof attracts a wierd way...hard to explain...
5)i love mens perfume....well dnt get ideas...but i really like...
6)i imagine myself doin something totally different from what im stuck in rite now...
7)i failed in a unit purposely once just to prove some silly point....
8)im really lazy...i plan to do a lot..but lazyness is getting in the way....
9)im an only child...not spoilt though...
10)i have had glasses since year 11 but never really wore them at all....untill i got my contacts...
11)i have difficulty buying shoes for myself..i hav ekindof small-ish feet...mostly have to preorder....
12)i love being lost in my own world most of the time...imagining all sorts of things i wish would happpen in real life...
13)i like boiled broccholi....
14)i hate milk....but love cheese and ice scream..we all a caffiene addict...
15)i have a fetish for shoes...and dresses...
16) i have phases when i have fixations for different things...been through hair
17) i aim to own 365+ earrings sooon enough...already have close to a 100
18)i have spent a whole 15 hours some day watching tv nonstop...stopping only when my mom snatched the remote out of my hands...
19)i scream and chuck thigns around to release tension at times...when im really reallly really angry about something...(doesnt happen to often)
20)i cant whistle in tune....wish i cld..tht would be cool
21)i manage to get chapped lips...pretty often..i keep licking them all the time...
22)if i could do whatever i want..i wld be in the medical proffesion...
23) im obssessed with doctors...
24)i have certain wild fantasies about about certain things...dnt ask me what...
25)wish to get a tatoo and another piercing done some day...
26)have decided the names of my kids...if i ever have them...
27)i love photography...would like to pursue it out of interest some day...
28)im obssessed with the irish accent...sounds so cuteeeee....
29)my major obssession is with the language french...or as a matter of fact nethign to do with france....
30)if i could live newhere in the world apart from my native place..i would pick doubt...
31)i have always wished i had a older bro....
32)i would love to learn to play the piano....
33)whenever i am sad or feel down...i feel like doin something extreme...
34)i would love to go bungee jumping ,para sailing, and scuba diving(at the great barrier reef) someday...the lists actually pretty long...
35)i fall for people who have a nice voice...nd r great at expressing themselves...
36)i have had horrible choices in far as past record says...damn..never found someone i reallllly like....still looking...!!!
37)never used to listen to my teachers in classs....
38)im a big chatterbox...cant live without schoool report books can vouch for that...(teachers cribbed about how i talked too much in class)
39)i have a sweet tooth...a pakka bangali at heart...but hate rassogollas...
40)would love to elope and get married without neone in the world knowing....
41)in love with gerard butler currrently....
42) im a wusss...i cry heaps when i see emotional stuff in films...hence never wear eye make up to the cinemas...
43)i dont like being by myself for too long....
44)always need to be given enough attention by people...
45)really like it when people say i look prettty...
46)can be a psycho when im angry...which isnt too often again...
47)hate it when people waste food....makes my blood boil...
48)love my food when it has heaps of meat in it....
49)am pretty adventourous when it comes to trying food...nd other things tooo....!!!
50)i would love to be part of a detective agensy snooping around...
51)if i could have ne wish granted i would love to be able to have the power to bend time and Hiro nakamura...(courtesy Heroes)
52)i love watching animation films...i try and convince everyone around me to join me in...i can be very persistent..
53)i hate being addicted to things...well i dnt really get addicted easily...
54) i have lectured guys ( pretty much all smoking-guys i know)about y they should quit smoking...nd at times drinking too...i actually bug the hell out of them..
55)i push away people if they get too close to me...i love having my personal space at all times...
56)i am a masochist...well not totally...but can be...hang on im not a psycho ...
57)i love losing myself in the world of films...
58)said things i meant from the core of my heart...but mistaken for something else..
59)felt for someone so deeply..but was unsure abt how to establish somethign out of it....
60) broken a couple of hearts...well didnt intend to just happened...
61)seen a complete solar and lunar eclipse...
62)have had recurrent nightmares about being out in the nude..i mean having forgotten to put on ne clothes at all....SO Freaky...
63)gotten drunk...coz i was sad and bored..and angry with someone...
64)always had laughing fits...when i fall and hurt myself..or people around me meet the same fate...i just cant stop laughing...
65)been in the middle of a food fight in high sckool...
66)would love to date a random charming stranger....i imagine them a lot...dnt get wrong
67)danced with stranger(s)...on a new years eve...nd cdnt even recollect what he looked like the next morning...
68)stolen from a shop..just to see if i could get away with it...
69)made elaborate lies and lied through my random people...on the train
70)slept through an entire day....i mean actually slept for like 19 hours...
71)pretended myself in bollywood sequences...
72)danced in a heavy downpour...
73)bitched about someone...and discovered minutes later...the bitcheee was overhearing my conversation the entire time...
74)been misunderstood by so many random people....who don't know me bloody well enough...
75)seen a baby a public hospital....
76)experimented with food...nd ended up being disgusted with whatever the hell i had eaten...
77)one such instance was that of me being disgusted...eating raw oyesters...nd clams...
78)im mortally terrified of insects of all kinds....
79)strangely attracted to snakes...well not attracted..but i think they a kool creatures...
80)been depressed ...and actually liked it for a while....
81)have had few fashion disasters...over a span of 4 days...dnt ask me what...
82)admitted to a moron...more of a Bastard of a kind..that i had a crush on him...damn..i cant bilieve i said it...
83)bit of a dare devil....done things just coz my friends bet i couldn't do something...
84)walked over a live cockroach...eooowww...
85)purposely avoided answering phone cals coz i didt feel like communicating for a whole 2 days...
86)experimented with food preparations and actually turned out well...
87)have liked someone somewhere for a while...but didnt know how to bring it up....DaMn!!!
88)been asked out by a homosexual....individual...
89)have had bad hair days....
90)have not seen the native animals in this country ..even though i have been around for a long time...
91)plan to learn French at least start classes before the end of this year...
92)walked into people too many times....did it 6 times today itself...
93)eaten almost raw fish in a sushi...
94)have had crushes on people...only to get over them..when i got to know its mutual...
95)fear i mite die young...coz of various reasons...
96)cant do a certain swift pen trick...with my fingers..i have tried heaps...and given up
97)i talk a lot in my sleep..actually have ful on monologues...with laughter..and exclaimations...and everything...
98)have spent hell of a lot of money on..clothes....
99)cant sleep without holding on to something....usually my cushion...
100)caught staring at people....and hapened to meet eyes with the staree...
101)led on people in certain ways....and felt bad about it later on....
102)felt happy about myself after doing something good...immensely happy....
103)think drawing or painting can be major stress release....have to start on that soon enough...
104)wish to witness a bItCh fite so badly....its funny lol....
105)sometimes wondered/wanted to have a handsome obssessed stalker (the type shah rukh khan played in Darr)....
106)been in way too many embarrasing situations....
phew thats a lot of things i typed up...enough of just made up nonsense all this while...boY am i bored...
signing offf....
About Me
- Aphrodite
- im a dreamer all the way....always pursuing my heart over my head ( have to stop doing that one of these days) short im an endless ocean of thoughts.....
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
ThE RiSk CaLlEd LiFe.....!!!
i found this somewhere on the www...and would like to plagiarise this...its so true...
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing dies nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
They say they avoid suffering and sorrow,
But they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live...
Chained by their attitudes, they are slaves.
They have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
First thing that i heard when i walked into work today was that Heath Ledger was found dead at his residence...a massuese and his housekeeper found him midday american time yesterday...first my reaction was that of shock..i mean..a 28 year old hot fit actor..suddenly dead...(apparently no foul play ivolved...but just mere drug overdose...).....
these are things that make you wonder...well it certainly makes me uncertain life is..and how i have no clue if ill live the day to see the sunrise tommorrow.....I have certain stigmas (mental stigma) from certain incidents....that came flooding back to mind....neway....i just saw this film at the cinemas last sunday (20th Jan) starring heath ledger...its just so hard to bilieve its true...
Not that great a start to a day i guess...but whatever....i guess th eworld mourns the loss of a hot young ozzie reaction was somewhat similar when the long exiled Paki president Benazir Bhutto was killed a while back...i mean..she had just returned to her country after a long time...and met her end in a bomb explosion not long after....
Theres so much that i mean to do or see before im tied down with more responsibilities...and grow too old to do things my own much...i wonder if i will be able to do all that...
quiet an abstract post this is i guess....but it does sincerely mimic what i suddenly felt at this moment of time....
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing dies nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
They say they avoid suffering and sorrow,
But they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live...
Chained by their attitudes, they are slaves.
They have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
First thing that i heard when i walked into work today was that Heath Ledger was found dead at his residence...a massuese and his housekeeper found him midday american time yesterday...first my reaction was that of shock..i mean..a 28 year old hot fit actor..suddenly dead...(apparently no foul play ivolved...but just mere drug overdose...).....
these are things that make you wonder...well it certainly makes me uncertain life is..and how i have no clue if ill live the day to see the sunrise tommorrow.....I have certain stigmas (mental stigma) from certain incidents....that came flooding back to mind....neway....i just saw this film at the cinemas last sunday (20th Jan) starring heath ledger...its just so hard to bilieve its true...
Not that great a start to a day i guess...but whatever....i guess th eworld mourns the loss of a hot young ozzie reaction was somewhat similar when the long exiled Paki president Benazir Bhutto was killed a while back...i mean..she had just returned to her country after a long time...and met her end in a bomb explosion not long after....
Theres so much that i mean to do or see before im tied down with more responsibilities...and grow too old to do things my own much...i wonder if i will be able to do all that...
quiet an abstract post this is i guess....but it does sincerely mimic what i suddenly felt at this moment of time....
its the first Lovely sunny clear sky day since last week...may soon turn into a rainy gloomy day though...or so the weather forecasts...wish it woudnt...gloomy weathers just make things worse for an already unhappy person...i guess its a general thing...well at least i dnt feel like doin anythign..but lazing around in bed...tucked in my blanket...and looking out the window at the incessant sheets of rain...and the occassional....flashes of thunder ( on a bad storm day) make me squeal and block my ears....
I used to find thunderstorms intriging as a kid...wasnt scared...and would actually run out in the rain...the infamous KaLbAiSaKhI....(people from kolkata would knw the pleasure of being outside during a kalbaisakhi)...aka norwesters.....till my granma told me about a little girl who used to do the same and got struck by a lightening bolt when she was outside on such an occassion...i avoid them since then...
oh well today while i was on the morning train to work...there was a bunch of asian school girls who were discusssing what irritated them the most....quiet an interesting discussion it was....and when i happened to mention at to some my colleagues this topic later on...everyone came up with so many different things that irritated them...
For instance....i get damn irritated when people try to tell me all the time what i should or should not do...nd oh i get irritated by constant repetitive could be the music that plays on pc or mobile games...or the constant buzzing of insects...or someone tapping away at a an otherwise completely silet drives me crazy..all these repetitive noises around.....
What makes it to the top of the list is DuMbArSe Forward chain letters...i mean not the ones that have like fruit art...or scary videos nd things ..but the ones that say a story..or relate an incident and then ...ask u to scroll down....and end like...
"blah...blah....blah...."....if u forward this letter to 5 people u get a phone call from someone in 5 mins with some godo news...if u frward to 10 people u will have good luck coming ur way and will be here to stay for a year...blah...blah....and if u dont forward it at alll then bad luck will strike...and something really terrible will happen to pass it on...."
i mean...i dont get it how people can be so dumb as to even read through them and pass it on...(im ashamed i actually used to do that a long time back...donno what i was thinkin...)and then bilieve in them and forward them and expect whatever it says to happen....MaN!!!
O and the bloody emails i keep getting all the time...abt drugs to increase ur organ sizes...or silica implants....i have tried unsubcribing from these mailing list a million times....i dont knw or understand where the hell they manage to get my email id from....i mean...i check my yahoo every fortnite i guess...and i get 20 to 30 of these junk emails..inspite of my spam guard being turned on...pisses me offf....but i have given up...nothing seems to stop them...from telling me how i shld go for the "miracle Drug" to enlarge things.....
one of my friends at work....was talking about how she got a mail narrating teh incident about
...."a girl(say A) who was in love very much in love with a guy (say B)...and now A was expecting that B would propose to her one day B asked A out...and fro some reason A thought this was D-day....but B drove her out to a bridge and they got out stood there looking at the sunset...and B broke the silence by saying he doesnt think shes the rite one..and that they should call it off....A was heart broken...and ran home and committed suicide...and when A'a parents got to know that their only daughter is dead they coudnt handle the grief and committed suicide as well....and apprently later on the "girl" well i guess the revengeful spirit they mean....came out of the drain pipe at B;s place and killed B while he was in the shower....."
welll and guess what ...the mail ends with...."if you dont forward this mail on...then she ll come down your drain pipe and kill you tooo.....but if you forward this mail be happy and leave you alone..."
i lame is on earth would A know that i didnt forward the mail on??is she some sort of geek....a cyber geek spirit...who can hack into your system and see who you are emailing....and R who related this incident goes...well i know its dumb..but i was thinking what if its true...and there actaully is a Spirit of A looking out for people who didnt forward that email...and what if she come down the drian pipe to pay me a visit....I coudnt controll my laughter when she said that.....i was pretty much fell of my chair and choked over my glass of water......i guess everyone has similar expiriences to share...i guess any joe blow would...
I used to find thunderstorms intriging as a kid...wasnt scared...and would actually run out in the rain...the infamous KaLbAiSaKhI....(people from kolkata would knw the pleasure of being outside during a kalbaisakhi)...aka norwesters.....till my granma told me about a little girl who used to do the same and got struck by a lightening bolt when she was outside on such an occassion...i avoid them since then...
oh well today while i was on the morning train to work...there was a bunch of asian school girls who were discusssing what irritated them the most....quiet an interesting discussion it was....and when i happened to mention at to some my colleagues this topic later on...everyone came up with so many different things that irritated them...
For instance....i get damn irritated when people try to tell me all the time what i should or should not do...nd oh i get irritated by constant repetitive could be the music that plays on pc or mobile games...or the constant buzzing of insects...or someone tapping away at a an otherwise completely silet drives me crazy..all these repetitive noises around.....
What makes it to the top of the list is DuMbArSe Forward chain letters...i mean not the ones that have like fruit art...or scary videos nd things ..but the ones that say a story..or relate an incident and then ...ask u to scroll down....and end like...
"blah...blah....blah...."....if u forward this letter to 5 people u get a phone call from someone in 5 mins with some godo news...if u frward to 10 people u will have good luck coming ur way and will be here to stay for a year...blah...blah....and if u dont forward it at alll then bad luck will strike...and something really terrible will happen to pass it on...."
i mean...i dont get it how people can be so dumb as to even read through them and pass it on...(im ashamed i actually used to do that a long time back...donno what i was thinkin...)and then bilieve in them and forward them and expect whatever it says to happen....MaN!!!
O and the bloody emails i keep getting all the time...abt drugs to increase ur organ sizes...or silica implants....i have tried unsubcribing from these mailing list a million times....i dont knw or understand where the hell they manage to get my email id from....i mean...i check my yahoo every fortnite i guess...and i get 20 to 30 of these junk emails..inspite of my spam guard being turned on...pisses me offf....but i have given up...nothing seems to stop them...from telling me how i shld go for the "miracle Drug" to enlarge things.....
one of my friends at work....was talking about how she got a mail narrating teh incident about
...."a girl(say A) who was in love very much in love with a guy (say B)...and now A was expecting that B would propose to her one day B asked A out...and fro some reason A thought this was D-day....but B drove her out to a bridge and they got out stood there looking at the sunset...and B broke the silence by saying he doesnt think shes the rite one..and that they should call it off....A was heart broken...and ran home and committed suicide...and when A'a parents got to know that their only daughter is dead they coudnt handle the grief and committed suicide as well....and apprently later on the "girl" well i guess the revengeful spirit they mean....came out of the drain pipe at B;s place and killed B while he was in the shower....."
welll and guess what ...the mail ends with...."if you dont forward this mail on...then she ll come down your drain pipe and kill you tooo.....but if you forward this mail be happy and leave you alone..."
i lame is on earth would A know that i didnt forward the mail on??is she some sort of geek....a cyber geek spirit...who can hack into your system and see who you are emailing....and R who related this incident goes...well i know its dumb..but i was thinking what if its true...and there actaully is a Spirit of A looking out for people who didnt forward that email...and what if she come down the drian pipe to pay me a visit....I coudnt controll my laughter when she said that.....i was pretty much fell of my chair and choked over my glass of water......i guess everyone has similar expiriences to share...i guess any joe blow would...
funny ridiculous....,
random facts
Friday, January 18, 2008
OnE NiGhT...
have you ever thought one night stands can actually turn out to be full on romances..or can end up being fucked up mistakes...which end up ruining the actual proper relationship....welll theres other ways people can get fucked up as welll...i guess....nneway...yet another friday night...and obviously weekend mood kicking in...was meant to be doin somethign else rite now but the damn....fucking weather...just ruined my plans....yet nother time...neway at least will manage to catch up on some sleep and movies and readings...
today i was in a i -feel-like-doin-whatever-the-hell-i wanna...mood....but nature decided to go against...neway...sitting and collecting thoughts isnt too bad surprised at how i like or well wdnt mind doing stufff..i found unacceptable..or dislaiked before...why and how did these changes happen...i donno....wish someone could answer all my Y's and How's....neway....none of what i wrote makes ne sense to me whatso ever...may be not a good time to blog...incoherent...words here and there...all over the place...but felt good to talk to a buddy of mine....may be im just thinking too much...may be ill wake up tommorrow and all the unhappiness..worries will have in the enchanted world...of gizelle....i was watching enchanted...a fun film....nd gizelle who was pushed into the real world NY still hanging on to her biliefs...about her true love...first kiss....nd all that immensely romantic stuff....sounds too good to be leave it here for now....
today i was in a i -feel-like-doin-whatever-the-hell-i wanna...mood....but nature decided to go against...neway...sitting and collecting thoughts isnt too bad surprised at how i like or well wdnt mind doing stufff..i found unacceptable..or dislaiked before...why and how did these changes happen...i donno....wish someone could answer all my Y's and How's....neway....none of what i wrote makes ne sense to me whatso ever...may be not a good time to blog...incoherent...words here and there...all over the place...but felt good to talk to a buddy of mine....may be im just thinking too much...may be ill wake up tommorrow and all the unhappiness..worries will have in the enchanted world...of gizelle....i was watching enchanted...a fun film....nd gizelle who was pushed into the real world NY still hanging on to her biliefs...about her true love...first kiss....nd all that immensely romantic stuff....sounds too good to be leave it here for now....
life as it is...,
random facts
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
PhAnToM MiRaGe....
a few sparkling dew drops here and there...a lovely bright day....the nearly clear blue firmament ...and a random few cumulus floating around...a lone silhoutte on a narrow wooden bridge...and a meandering trickle of a stream flowing underneath...soft laughter of kids playing in th eambience...and the gentle rhythm of ringing the mild summer breeze.....a LoSt feeling in thy heart...
This is what i was visualising when my "BlOoDcUrDlInG ScReAm" alarm rudely jerked me out of sleep early today......time to get jerked back into reality and out of the picture perfect world where everything is what i want it to in Im The Queen in that creation...wish things would be remotely similar to taht picture..i have in mind...hehe...
neway on my lunch break now...kind off sleepy...and high (high on tiredness i Guess!!)....coz funny things are going through my mind....
Happened to watch P.S I LoVe YoU...yesterday at teh cinemas with Roomie...Its a romantic comedy....touching flick....tugged at my heartstrings on and off...we were initially meant to go watch American Gangster(which i will tommorow)....but got sidetracked into watching this one....
Two reasons why i loved this film are;
1} starring Gerard Butler as one of the protagonists..reason enough aye...hes so HOT!!!
2}I have been feeling a bit low since the past couple of days...
Having no purpose ...or direction ....or plan whatever the hell one may refer to it damn annoying...It leaves me in a cranky mood whenever i lose clarity of vision...or am unsure about a romantic comedy was the perfect recipe to draw myself out of that state of mind....for a fair period of time at least....
I ended up being so "touched" by the film that i had a hard time trying to hide my sniffles as an involuntary response to nething remotely emotional....hehe....i can be such a wuss was bugging my friend about how much i love the irish accent...(nothing beats my love for french (the language) or anything remotely associated with France for a matter of fact).....especially from a male...i have a fetish for people who can speak well...can express themselves really welll....have had million instances where i had fallen head over heals in "crush"...with a man ..just coz he was well spoken....irrespective of looks....but mostly got nasty shocks when they turned out to be really.....not what i would imagine prince charming to be...hehe....
I also watched atonement over the weekend....another book i was equally good...specially the me shedding bucketfull of tears...neway..just realised lunch times over...gotta get going...
This is what i was visualising when my "BlOoDcUrDlInG ScReAm" alarm rudely jerked me out of sleep early today......time to get jerked back into reality and out of the picture perfect world where everything is what i want it to in Im The Queen in that creation...wish things would be remotely similar to taht picture..i have in mind...hehe...
neway on my lunch break now...kind off sleepy...and high (high on tiredness i Guess!!)....coz funny things are going through my mind....
Happened to watch P.S I LoVe YoU...yesterday at teh cinemas with Roomie...Its a romantic comedy....touching flick....tugged at my heartstrings on and off...we were initially meant to go watch American Gangster(which i will tommorow)....but got sidetracked into watching this one....
Two reasons why i loved this film are;
1} starring Gerard Butler as one of the protagonists..reason enough aye...hes so HOT!!!
2}I have been feeling a bit low since the past couple of days...
Having no purpose ...or direction ....or plan whatever the hell one may refer to it damn annoying...It leaves me in a cranky mood whenever i lose clarity of vision...or am unsure about a romantic comedy was the perfect recipe to draw myself out of that state of mind....for a fair period of time at least....
I ended up being so "touched" by the film that i had a hard time trying to hide my sniffles as an involuntary response to nething remotely emotional....hehe....i can be such a wuss was bugging my friend about how much i love the irish accent...(nothing beats my love for french (the language) or anything remotely associated with France for a matter of fact).....especially from a male...i have a fetish for people who can speak well...can express themselves really welll....have had million instances where i had fallen head over heals in "crush"...with a man ..just coz he was well spoken....irrespective of looks....but mostly got nasty shocks when they turned out to be really.....not what i would imagine prince charming to be...hehe....
I also watched atonement over the weekend....another book i was equally good...specially the me shedding bucketfull of tears...neway..just realised lunch times over...gotta get going...
life as it is...,
random facts
Sunday, January 13, 2008
RaNdOm ThOuGhTs On An IdLe NoOn!!!
random thoughts on an idle NoOn!!
there isnt much to blog about...really...but i feel like writing whatever random thoughts cross my mind are what follows...
well random thoughts are not very realistic or logical..i must say...i have mentioned this like a kazillion times before that i think too much...some of my friends would affirm that too if required...hehe....and this habbit of thinking too much..has doen moreto increase my restlessness...or make me a sad sad FACE!! Than a happy sad one....(courtesy Cheeni Kum!!!) just realised havent seen a bollywood film in a while.....but seen other flicks and done a bit of my readings and caught up with my books far this year is shaping up fine i guess....
i saw this dutch film the other day Phileine says SORRY!!!....its a comedy....I liked it..its about this gal called philiene whos obviously from netherlands....and is in a relationship with a guy called MAX who she starts dating the day she ended her relation with herimmediate EX...Dylan....coz he was cheating on her with another chick...Max was óne of dylans friends....and evrythigns goin fine..untill one day max suddenly says that he is going to NY for a year to practise and work in darama and theatre....phileine follows him there after 3 months..and lands up at his apartment unannounced...unable to push the vacuum he had create by leaving...(oh an important fact that i missed about philiene is taht she has a big problem admitting she was wrong and saying sorry!!)
when max walks in to see her..hes shown to have mixed emotions....happy his GF is there....he gets to bonK her after all!!! Oh and they make rain and wind....dont ask me what that is...with a little imagination you can figure that out urself......!!!!
but he is taken aback coz she doesnt know about the play (a pornographic version of Romeo Juliet...he was playing romeo in involved on stage fornication...)..was pretty disgusting....spoils shakespeare subtle romantic background set in the play...newayyy getting back to the story....she goes to one of the rehersals and catches max(romeo) and juliet (a fat afro female) making out....well it was part of the play....neway she gets furious...nd leaves....she ultimately goes to the premier of the show....and objects publicly to the lovemaking on stage when the plays in progress....nd spoils all of Max’s chances of a career in theatrics...nd whats when max confronts her..she refuses to say SORRY!!!that one magical word that could do wonders for people in love....(oh my actually supporting this much cliched.....bilieve)hehe.......but she does it in the end...and they kiss and make up....end of story....
i would give it a 3.5 on 5....i m pretty excited about evening today....m goin to a theme park...been waiting to go on the rides since ages....LACK of compnay...damn....!!!!im becoming a friendless person...or am i!! month this timeill be much too bucy to bludge around....
and for people who were wondering what the ice cream incident was i mentioned in my last post...well...last weekend...a friend and I had gone to HUNGRY jacks to grab lunch...and mercury levels were soaring that time of the day....i felt like eating a soft was YUMM!!!!.....ummmm!!!!vanilla dipped in chocolate sauce....well becoz it was soo hot...the ice cream started to melt and drip along the sides of the cone...even while i was taking big mouth fulls....and i had to make tongue manouvers and lick around the cone...different angles and directions....and there was a group of indian guys!!! Sitting not that far from us...they were following us with their eyes....or to be precise should i licking my ice friend was making subtle hand movements to make me realise i was doing the right thing at a wrong time....but i manage never to realise on always....and by the time i had realised what was was to late to rectify....Bloody indian guys....conjuring all types of images...out of a hot!!!! (all puns intended...hehe;)) Ice cream loving gal enjoying her ice cream....wel i have decided never to have cones in public on super hot days.....oopsie daisy...i just remembered i have to make my chicken....and shower and iron my clothes....before its time to leave for the evening...catch ya later.....(i wonder if a blog can have gender assigned to people usually assign genders to a guy!!!)neway....gotta go.....
there isnt much to blog about...really...but i feel like writing whatever random thoughts cross my mind are what follows...
well random thoughts are not very realistic or logical..i must say...i have mentioned this like a kazillion times before that i think too much...some of my friends would affirm that too if required...hehe....and this habbit of thinking too much..has doen moreto increase my restlessness...or make me a sad sad FACE!! Than a happy sad one....(courtesy Cheeni Kum!!!) just realised havent seen a bollywood film in a while.....but seen other flicks and done a bit of my readings and caught up with my books far this year is shaping up fine i guess....
i saw this dutch film the other day Phileine says SORRY!!!....its a comedy....I liked it..its about this gal called philiene whos obviously from netherlands....and is in a relationship with a guy called MAX who she starts dating the day she ended her relation with herimmediate EX...Dylan....coz he was cheating on her with another chick...Max was óne of dylans friends....and evrythigns goin fine..untill one day max suddenly says that he is going to NY for a year to practise and work in darama and theatre....phileine follows him there after 3 months..and lands up at his apartment unannounced...unable to push the vacuum he had create by leaving...(oh an important fact that i missed about philiene is taht she has a big problem admitting she was wrong and saying sorry!!)
when max walks in to see her..hes shown to have mixed emotions....happy his GF is there....he gets to bonK her after all!!! Oh and they make rain and wind....dont ask me what that is...with a little imagination you can figure that out urself......!!!!
but he is taken aback coz she doesnt know about the play (a pornographic version of Romeo Juliet...he was playing romeo in involved on stage fornication...)..was pretty disgusting....spoils shakespeare subtle romantic background set in the play...newayyy getting back to the story....she goes to one of the rehersals and catches max(romeo) and juliet (a fat afro female) making out....well it was part of the play....neway she gets furious...nd leaves....she ultimately goes to the premier of the show....and objects publicly to the lovemaking on stage when the plays in progress....nd spoils all of Max’s chances of a career in theatrics...nd whats when max confronts her..she refuses to say SORRY!!!that one magical word that could do wonders for people in love....(oh my actually supporting this much cliched.....bilieve)hehe.......but she does it in the end...and they kiss and make up....end of story....
i would give it a 3.5 on 5....i m pretty excited about evening today....m goin to a theme park...been waiting to go on the rides since ages....LACK of compnay...damn....!!!!im becoming a friendless person...or am i!! month this timeill be much too bucy to bludge around....
and for people who were wondering what the ice cream incident was i mentioned in my last post...well...last weekend...a friend and I had gone to HUNGRY jacks to grab lunch...and mercury levels were soaring that time of the day....i felt like eating a soft was YUMM!!!!.....ummmm!!!!vanilla dipped in chocolate sauce....well becoz it was soo hot...the ice cream started to melt and drip along the sides of the cone...even while i was taking big mouth fulls....and i had to make tongue manouvers and lick around the cone...different angles and directions....and there was a group of indian guys!!! Sitting not that far from us...they were following us with their eyes....or to be precise should i licking my ice friend was making subtle hand movements to make me realise i was doing the right thing at a wrong time....but i manage never to realise on always....and by the time i had realised what was was to late to rectify....Bloody indian guys....conjuring all types of images...out of a hot!!!! (all puns intended...hehe;)) Ice cream loving gal enjoying her ice cream....wel i have decided never to have cones in public on super hot days.....oopsie daisy...i just remembered i have to make my chicken....and shower and iron my clothes....before its time to leave for the evening...catch ya later.....(i wonder if a blog can have gender assigned to people usually assign genders to a guy!!!)neway....gotta go.....
funny ridiculous....,
random facts
Thursday, January 10, 2008
CoMeDy Of ErRoRs....!!!
some day it was yester....the morning started of with a roomie was moving...nd hence things all over the place....misplaced my train pass...hunted for it..finally got it...ran to the station...nearly got work was normal....just when i was getting excited abt leaving office..and calling it as day...i managed to knock my cupof water over..nd the H2O flowed onto my chair...nd before i could gather up what had trouser got "wet" in the wrong had to have happened 5 mins before i was meant to leave the damn place..nd walk out in public...luckily...was wearing dark chords nd it wasnt tht obvious...
walked into the hairdressers place...and got my hair styled...the guy(kindof gay..actually im sure hes gay) ..i kindof have this thinking all guys who r hairdressers are gay!!!i mean....its too obvious by their body language............he tried to ask me if i would go out with him...i was like...GOD!!!didnt think i wld be arnd to see a day when gay people would ask me out...hehe....rushed back home...was meant to help my friend with some of the moving stufff....reached kindof just on time....well after the moving was done....we had an exchange about our individual embarassing moments in life...turned out,,i was not the only one..having a bad da......oops i missed the icecream incident....oh well that can be done nother day...
walked into the hairdressers place...and got my hair styled...the guy(kindof gay..actually im sure hes gay) ..i kindof have this thinking all guys who r hairdressers are gay!!!i mean....its too obvious by their body language............he tried to ask me if i would go out with him...i was like...GOD!!!didnt think i wld be arnd to see a day when gay people would ask me out...hehe....rushed back home...was meant to help my friend with some of the moving stufff....reached kindof just on time....well after the moving was done....we had an exchange about our individual embarassing moments in life...turned out,,i was not the only one..having a bad da......oops i missed the icecream incident....oh well that can be done nother day...
Friday, January 4, 2008
let me be the one.....
another ditch in the road...
u keep moving...another stop sign...
u keep moving on....
nd the years go by so fast...
wonder how i ever made it through....
I want to live like an animal....
careless and free like an animal....
i want ot live....
nd run through the jungle.....
the wind in the hair...
and the sand at my feeeeeeeeeeeeet.....
somethings that mimic my wishlist....
these were lines from two of my favourite songs...there was a time when i used to be madly in love with the duo..that make up savage gardens....their songs...( the guys were pretty cUtE!!!
havent listened to them in a long time....donno why i suddenly got reminded of them...and downloaded a couple of their songs....old flames never die out i guesss...hehe....some logic and reasoning i have for things i do or say..BOY!!!it surprises me a lot of the times tooo....why i do things i do...oh resumes from is kindof my last bludging doing taking advantage of tht.....quiet a hot day.....kindof a PErfect BEACH day...but booo hoooo....havent found decent company..nd its no fun without decided to catch up on watching movies..currently multi tasking ..watching spider man 3!!the prints bad:( nd blogging and downloading songs....wooohoo just finished downloading...gonna get lost in my world for now..signing offff......MUUUAAAAAAAAH....
u keep moving...another stop sign...
u keep moving on....
nd the years go by so fast...
wonder how i ever made it through....
I want to live like an animal....
careless and free like an animal....
i want ot live....
nd run through the jungle.....
the wind in the hair...
and the sand at my feeeeeeeeeeeeet.....
somethings that mimic my wishlist....
these were lines from two of my favourite songs...there was a time when i used to be madly in love with the duo..that make up savage gardens....their songs...( the guys were pretty cUtE!!!
havent listened to them in a long time....donno why i suddenly got reminded of them...and downloaded a couple of their songs....old flames never die out i guesss...hehe....some logic and reasoning i have for things i do or say..BOY!!!it surprises me a lot of the times tooo....why i do things i do...oh resumes from is kindof my last bludging doing taking advantage of tht.....quiet a hot day.....kindof a PErfect BEACH day...but booo hoooo....havent found decent company..nd its no fun without decided to catch up on watching movies..currently multi tasking ..watching spider man 3!!the prints bad:( nd blogging and downloading songs....wooohoo just finished downloading...gonna get lost in my world for now..signing offff......MUUUAAAAAAAAH....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
If OnLy!!!!

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit” -Napoleon Hill
i have uploaded a couple of really messed up barely watchable video footage of the NYE fireworks...and a still snap..
heres a joke...i found somewhere...Jon goes to the local novelty shop and finds a pair of x-ray glasses. He checks them out, and isn't fully convinced, but as usual, the store assistant comes along and closes the deal.
On his way home, Jon puts on his new x-ray glasses and, bingo! He sees everyone in the street naked. He takes them off for a moment, and everyone has their clothes on. Puts the glasses back on...everyone is naked! "Cool!"
As he arrives back home, he is eager to show his new toy to his wife, Judi, but can't find her. He goes up to the bedroom and finds his wife and the postman, naked in bed. He takes his glasses off, and the two are still naked. He puts them back on, and they are still naked.
Jon then says: "Damn, I just paid fifty bucks for these and they're already broken!"
heres another one....
A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants. "Well", he said, "I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's THE night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12 pack". The young man makes his purchase and leaves. Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing, and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes. The girl leans over and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person". He leans over to her and says, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist".
ok enough of lame something else ......which mimics my feelings completely..and i guess it does for a lot of other people out there tooo....
its called ....if only....
There are times in my life when I sit back, close my eyes, take a deep breath and say..."if only". Then I find myself locked in once more in the past....I can't seem to move on. One minute I'm moving forward and then Im reminded of something, next thing I know I'm back in memory lane. Going through all the good times that I never thought would end...oh it feels so good to belong, to know that someone will always be behind you and you would feel like you can do anything cause you believe that when everything goes wrong, someone would catch you and prevent you from being broken....but when the person whom you believe to be more than your lover but a bestfriend too turned out to be a hypocrite then you would see that everything that surrounds you slowly melts away because they are all lies, then you would realize...if only you could turn back time....that's how I feel. If only I could turn back the hands of time then in a heartbeat I would say what I truly feel inside, I would no longer care if I would look stupid or whatever, bottomline I would be free. Its so difficult to lock up something in your heart because it just strengthens over time and when you cant finally contain it you would explode and your heart will be blown out, you wouldn't know where to find the scattered pieces. In just one wrong decision and here I am, sitting....remembering....having too many "if only's" and once again I feel as if I am in a middle of nowhere....totally lost. I know that no matter how many times I say "if only" I cant undo what has been done and that's the saddest part, we always have to live in the consequences of everything we say and do, it's the reality that life isn't like a computer that when you did a wrong command all you have to do is click the undo button or the escape key then your system is still safe....and with every painful memory, you can't just go delete have to deal with it which makes me say "IF ONLY moving on is as easy and simple as saying it....IF ONLY".
if only....,
life as it is...,
random facts
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
things to do...resolve to do...
hey hey..this beggining of the year...feeling...making resolutions....always makes me laugh...its like a thing you have to do....and feel guilty about later...when couple of mnths down the line..u reflect on the to do list...and realise...SHIT!...havnt kept up to them....but everyone tends to make em no different....well...reflecting on the past year..i know im different..i feel different about a lot of things in general.....this 2nd jan as opposed to this time last certain better offf..again in certain respects im worse offf...well it balances off kindof never a BED of RoSeS!!!aye....neway...i have grown to accept a lot of things....i used to winge about earlier on....
thats how it is i guess...people learn to deal and live with things...after a while....u stop caring about the shit thats happenign around....the white noise....the chaos around....seems to be deafening at first ...nd theres this feeling of drowning.....but gradually it dims out and u get so used to it...taht u would actually miss it ...if it stopped to surprised at my own logic...but i donno...this is how it happened with me....
stopped more highhhhhhh hopes....better this least no massacres....that way...
well well....i totally got deviated from what i started with....(thats the effect of what i read on a certain humans blog) i was surprised at how he had managed to spell out in words exactly what i feellll.....i not the only one...thrs more like me....hehe....
Neway getting back to resolutions....welll...i have decided to bludge efficiently....not at home..i meant study wrk....wrap up a lot of wrk before uni resumes...KUDOS!!!! me..if i manage that....socialise heaps actually tends to give mod lifts even though im mostly lost in my own world of heaps of books a have quiet a list...and watch loads of movies....that list aint taht long...but quiet so....neway....nd definitely so damn addicted to this now....its a great stress release i stressed im mostly......neway...should get back to my readings.....have loads to do....but FEET still hurt reallly bad!!!Booo Hoooo....signing offf....wishing all a great year ahead....MMMMMMUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH....!!!!!
thats how it is i guess...people learn to deal and live with things...after a while....u stop caring about the shit thats happenign around....the white noise....the chaos around....seems to be deafening at first ...nd theres this feeling of drowning.....but gradually it dims out and u get so used to it...taht u would actually miss it ...if it stopped to surprised at my own logic...but i donno...this is how it happened with me....
stopped more highhhhhhh hopes....better this least no massacres....that way...
well well....i totally got deviated from what i started with....(thats the effect of what i read on a certain humans blog) i was surprised at how he had managed to spell out in words exactly what i feellll.....i not the only one...thrs more like me....hehe....
Neway getting back to resolutions....welll...i have decided to bludge efficiently....not at home..i meant study wrk....wrap up a lot of wrk before uni resumes...KUDOS!!!! me..if i manage that....socialise heaps actually tends to give mod lifts even though im mostly lost in my own world of heaps of books a have quiet a list...and watch loads of movies....that list aint taht long...but quiet so....neway....nd definitely so damn addicted to this now....its a great stress release i stressed im mostly......neway...should get back to my readings.....have loads to do....but FEET still hurt reallly bad!!!Booo Hoooo....signing offf....wishing all a great year ahead....MMMMMMUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH....!!!!!
life as it is...,
random facts
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
a lazy moment...
yesterday was quiet aday...a came across so many wierdos...couple of gay people...all dressed in pink and perfect straightened hair and alll...some people dressed up in wierd outfits...out on the streets in the city...all shimmering and glimmering...looking more like people straight out of a circus cast than party animals....
spent most of today sleeping....managed to get over the crazy yesternite hangover...but man do my feet stilletoes gave me horrible feet aches...contemplating cancelling work tomorrow...and getting some research work done..and giving my poor feet some more rest.....boy today was a HOT gives that feeling...didnt feel like doin anything but lie around....and eating icecream or chilled drinks...nother year begins today...and i have made a lot of lead at least a couple of months of see if i can stick to it...and also have resolved to waste less time surfing...randomly...did get abitof work done today...will get heaps done tommorow tooo....woohooo....
spent most of today sleeping....managed to get over the crazy yesternite hangover...but man do my feet stilletoes gave me horrible feet aches...contemplating cancelling work tomorrow...and getting some research work done..and giving my poor feet some more rest.....boy today was a HOT gives that feeling...didnt feel like doin anything but lie around....and eating icecream or chilled drinks...nother year begins today...and i have made a lot of lead at least a couple of months of see if i can stick to it...and also have resolved to waste less time surfing...randomly...did get abitof work done today...will get heaps done tommorow tooo....woohooo....
life as it is...,
random facts
reflections on year 2007...
damn..a year flew past at lightning pace...dont mind my not in my best state of mind i guess...had wrk today...then couple others chores...and finally having nothing better to do...joined my roomie and her kindof unknown group of friends for the new years eve....saw the 9oçlock fireworks...awesome...even managed to get some video and still footage with my fone camera..lolz....and then headed to some club in the city...i donno what had gotten into me...i drank a bit too quick...and that lead to certain revelations...and converstaions taht shdnt have hapened at alll......too many long islands and others...tend to have their effect....thank god ..i dnt have work tomoorow...but this new meant to be a new start...i have promised myself not to repeat a lot of stupid things i have done in the past year...and specially i have decided to get things..under controlll...and get my life back on the rite track...if thats at all possible..i dnt regret ....taht i went out and got kindof trashed...tonite...coz this was needed to reflect on a lot of issues i needed to deal with...glad for that....i guess...btw for those who r wondering ...i looked pretty hot tonite...;)...i knw im too humble...but not nemore....hehe....its 3:06 pm...i shld go to bed..the effect of the alcohol is slowly dyeing out...i can feel it....but whatevr i do ox the drink...i incidentally tried out a shot today called..WET PUSSY...lolz....quiet a name..but yes..toomuch alco..and i cant even remember the exact taste of the damn badly wanted to try drink some screwdriver..but no onelet me...DAMN....neway...a nice tiome spent all in all..nd i shld go to sleeeppp...catch up later....HAPPY NEW YEAR to evryone....pardon the gibberish..if any...
new year begins....
hey hey..brand new year... had a oxly time i reckon...on 31st .....cant remember half the things i ve done...or whatever the hell happened....hehe...shal get back later.....brand new year..brand new opportunities...lolz....byeeeee...just got back home...
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